On Epilepsy Warnings

Sometimes there really isn’t any way around the “Do not have epilepsy or be photosensitive when using this program” warnings.

A game developer I know is working on a game that pulses a shape into fractal patterns while it changes color. All set to the beat of whatever song you tell the program to play.

It looks great, but its on the wrong side of the border that marks a health risk to me.

This one is a slowburning damage dealer to me, but it could easily be much more harmful to other photosensitives

WARNING: If you have epilepsy or similar sensitivities DO NOT USE LINK BELOW.

To view the content, please copy and paste the following link into your address bar.

Note the spacing after https:// will need to be removed for the link to work.

https://  youtu.be/CgtlZVvVkWI