Fog Implementation Trigger

Moving right along, I’m not hunting for examples anymore, but I’m not passing up the ones I come across either.

With that in mind here is an example of two view modes of the same image.
A dev friend of mine is working on err…something related to the fog implementation I think?

Anyways, said dev posted this image which is…less than healthy to look at:

Very ouch, many colors

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After I made some sad noises, the image was removed from the discord chat and replaced with this one instead.

Entirely safe


Naturally since it hurt me a lot I immediately requested that it be shown again, because I’m smart like that…

Anyways, I wanted to show this because it is a super great example of “not fine”/”fine” display modes and I figured it would be nice for devs to know this.
Especially since it directly lead to the following exchange:

Faff — Today at 2:28 AM
[crap], really, a texture uvs/normals pattern can do it too?
Serth — Today at 2:28 AM
you mean a horrible shotgun spread of colors to keep track of can do it too?
Faff — Today at 2:29 AM
that makes sense but i never would’ve thought of it since it’s a typical debug vis. I’ll remember that

Edit: I suggested that the dev included a comment on what they were working on to give a perspective from the other side of this as well. Also checked to make sure they were fine with having the discord name attached to this post.

StealthyMoose — Today at 3:12 AM
I’m down with my name, the explanation for that pattern was that I was trying to (correctly) calculate the world space position of something in a 3d texture and the brain-bender version was it working (x/y/z world space coordinate %’d to a 0->1 range)I figured out skybox shader too so now it looks like it’s supposed to look and it’s actually [really cool]

Also entirely safe

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