Nova Drift Triggers

So I’m just having one of those weeks where the hits keep on coming.
On the plus side, that means lots of new content.

Downside is a bit more obvious of course.

Anyways, I was shown a video of game called Nova Drift and it really reminds me of a game I used to love, called Gridwars.

Gridwars was never an issue for me, in spite of it being quite flashy and doing all sorts of funky things to the underlying grid. Might have to chalk that one up to my epilepsy not having developed enough yet.

This one is likely to give normal people a migraine in about 16 seconds.

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I watched 15 seconds of this video, TooMuchAbstraction watched 16 seconds and mentioned realizing where he got that migraine from which he always seemed to have when he played this game himself.

15 seconds was enough to annoy me, but not harm me. Or so I thought.

Roughly 17 minutes later and I still have to go back and fix several obvious spelling errors in every single sentence I write, plus fill in small words that I’ve just plain failed to include in the original sentence.

Only now am I realizing that the tension that build up in my forehead is now gradually easing off again. I didn’t even notice it build up in the first place.

Watching the video itself didn’t feel like catching a haymaker square on, more like a bunch of rabbit punches testing if I’m awake (It was 6.30AM when I watched it and my ADD meds hadn’t kicked in, so no. No I was not awake enough yet).
