ZX Spectrum Vintage Video Game Visual Trigger

This one is a real killer:

So someone sent me a video to check out of the very old ZX Spectrum cassette-loading border flicker. I had fortunately never experienced those things as a kid and I am honestly not sure I would have made it through such an experience unscathed.

This thing kills epileptics DEAD:

WARNING: If you have epilepsy or similar sensitivities DO NOT USE LINK BELOW.

To view the content, please copy and paste the following link into your address bar.

Note the spacing after https:// will need to be removed for the link to work.

https://  youtu.be/MtBoRp_cSxQ?t=9


The ones of you who foolishly looked at that video or who remembered the good old days before the invention of eyeballs will likely be able to guess that the flickering disco lights of death around the whole border are not compatible with epileptics and life. I looked at it for just about a seconds before going “nope nope nope nope nopenope”:

“hoookay yeah yes no f**** that noise”

“I got to 11 seconds in and that was quite enough for me (f***** up color movement didn’t start until like 10 seconds in)”

“eaughhh its like some [one] put a tiny electrical current through my right eye”

“f****** hell”

“Wonder no more my friend, yes that stuff is not compatible with epilepsy”


“I mean I looked at the initial effect for literally one second”

“And it took about 50 minutes before I could state that I was no longer affected”

On Warning Splash Screens

So remember that warning splash screen when you start up a game?

“The might cause trouble to people with epilepsy, user discretion is adviced”?

I don’t mind the “might kill you” part. I certainly mind that they don’t give a hint about which part of the game might kill me.

“Here: have 80 hours of existential dread.”