Blood Bowl 3 User Interface Visual Trigger

So Blood Bowl 3 is out and seeing as I spent way too much time playing Blood Bowl 1 , Blood Bowl 2 and the original board game, It should be obvious that I’d be interested in this installment as well.

However, before even noticing that it was getting released, I came across a video made by another fan, who was very upset with the sheer scale of greed on display in their use of microtransactions throughout the game. While watching the video, I had the misfortune of getting a seizure.

I’m very certain that the triggering effect was the red banner with the Blood Bowl 3 logo flying left to right across the screen every time a menu button was pressed.

In itself, having a banner moving across the screen like that shouldn’t be a problem. But the large size of the banner, the presence of a small detailed object placed in the middle of the banner and then the banner moving at high speed across the entire screen, ended up presenting something more akin to a flashing light with an attention grabbing detail instead of the soft transitioning effect that it was intended to be.

Since I had no way of predicting this was even going to be a thing, the first time it occured it also caught me completely flatfooted.

I watched this on a video, presented by a very irate individual, and the video went through the buttons fairly quickly to highlight the various things that had the presenter up in arms.

This meant that I got surprised once, did not get any time to process what had just happened, and then I got the same effect thrown at me some 5-8 more times in rapid succession.

This effect plays after every single button press anywhere in the game menu. This includes transitions when adding or removing cosmetics to and from each team member. Each team should contain 11 members before counting reserves, so this is going to be a lot of flashing red banners before I’m even ready to start my first match.