Category: Consultations

  • James Webb Space Telescope and Subsequent Conversations with NASA

    So usually I love space stuff. Can’t claim to be able to follow the science talk beyond the starting line, but the space images are always cool. Except for this one. This is an awesome new image from the fancy new space telescope. It is also making me dizzy when I look at it. Not…

  • Contrasting Colors Visual Effects

    First up, I’ve got a very nice example of a very nasty effect. Some very unlucky subset of photosensitive sufferers can get blind spots, akin to looking up at the sun, from looking at just the right combination of contrast colors. For some, it leaves an imprint that lasts for a few minutes. For others,…

  • Fog Implementation Trigger

    Moving right along, I’m not hunting for examples anymore, but I’m not passing up the ones I come across either. With that in mind here is an example of two view modes of the same image.A dev friend of mine is working on err…something related to the fog implementation I think? Anyways, said dev posted…

  • Why I Do This

    So a couple of days ago I was doing some testing on Waves of Steel and I ran into an issue that messed with my head. I’m not really in the mood to go hunt down the specific animation at the moment, but I’d like to take some time to talk about why I do…