Category: Game Dev incident archive

  • Valheim Triggers

    So lets talk about Valheim. Valheim is a game that I have spent just over 200 hours playing, which might sound foolish considering the fairly long list of trigger issues I’ve have with the game. The reason why I’ve managed to put that many hours into something with so many triggers is that each trigger…

  • Why I Do This

    So a couple of days ago I was doing some testing on Waves of Steel and I ran into an issue that messed with my head. I’m not really in the mood to go hunt down the specific animation at the moment, but I’d like to take some time to talk about why I do…

  • On Epilepsy Warnings

    Sometimes there really isn’t any way around the “Do not have epilepsy or be photosensitive when using this program” warnings. A game developer I know is working on a game that pulses a shape into fractal patterns while it changes color. All set to the beat of whatever song you tell the program to play.…

  • Gameplay Loop Visual Trigger

    WARNING: If you have epilepsy or similar sensitivities DO NOT USE LINK BELOW. To view the content, please copy and paste the following link into your address bar. Note the spacing after https:// will need to be removed for the link to work. I was asked to test a game for a developer and encountered…

  • Lightning Effects and Might & Magic

    Lightning Effects I got a good example of the starting point of the lightning sliding scale of harmfulness courtesy of TooMuchAbstraction. This one took about 15 minutes before the punch hit me and it only made me a little lightheaded as well as making it hard to read longer texts on discord. Font size was…