Category: Game Related Content

  • Jets’n’Guns Gold Edition Visual Triggers

    So Jets’n’Guns (gold edition, this matters due to some new weapons being added in that version) is a rather old game by now. I haven’t played it for at least 14 years by this point, but I still remember the vast majority of the game. The weapons, map, enemies, plot and music all stand out…

  • Photosensitive Gaming and Accessibility Tekken 8

    I’ve been talking at the internet again. This time about Tekken 8

  • Blue Tinting To Avoid Visual Triggers

    Okay so I was down at the optometrist to try out some fancy blue tinted and red tinted glasses that should work to reduce the photo-sensitivity and holy stuff those things were awesome. The red ones only made things worse for me, but the light blue was a nice improvement, the dark blue was cool…

  • Blood Bowl 3 User Interface Visual Trigger

    So Blood Bowl 3 is out and seeing as I spent way too much time playing Blood Bowl 1 , Blood Bowl 2 and the original board game, It should be obvious that I’d be interested in this installment as well. However, before even noticing that it was getting released, I came across a video…

  • Strobe Lightning Visual Trigger

    You know how I talk about lightning being a common source of bad times? Well if you’d like an example of just how bad those times can be, look no further than the lightning in Riftbreaker. My roommate started playing it and when the lightning/strobe light effect lit up the wall behind him a few…

  • ZX Spectrum Vintage Video Game Visual Trigger

    This one is a real killer: So someone sent me a video to check out of the very old ZX Spectrum cassette-loading border flicker. I had fortunately never experienced those things as a kid and I am honestly not sure I would have made it through such an experience unscathed. This thing kills epileptics DEAD:…

  • Non Triggering Lightning Effects aka Lightning Done Right

    The following three images of lightning effects are examples of how to do it right, please copy and paste the following links to your browser address bar and remove the spacing after http://: The lightning bolt travels slowly down, branches out fairly slowly and then does a bit of a brightness/intensity flash that I can…